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6:40 p.m. - 2006-05-18
short n' sweet
Firstly, whoever is in the general tampa bay area leave a note or something! You're a regular reader and I don't bite. Hard.

(Usually not, anyway...)

Secondly, whatever god/dess smiles upon me was working overtime to be in my corner over this whole rent thing. It's paid, I've called the phone company and car insurance and set up a payment plan to keep them/get them current by end of the month and -still- have rent for June ON TIME.

All in all, things go well in Muse land, well enough that I may be able to even buy a birthday present for boyfriend next month.

Sooo tired right now though, I'm finally talking on the phone to the home equity customers and 8 hours of taking payoff requests wears on me after awhile. It's still a good job though, and I'm thankful I have it!!


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